Czech startup easyBNB wins “Business story of the year” prize

On April 4th, 2019, the French – Czech Chamber of Commerce awarded the top prize in the “Business story of the year” category to the easyBNB company.

The prize is awarded to entrepreneurs whose project stands out in terms of originality and creativity, or who achieve financial success showing a potential for future growth.

The jury praised the winner for making use of the market opportunities and for the quality of their business model which respects rules set for short-term rentals and aims to work with local authorities.

“It is a great honour for us to be selected by the French – Czech Chamber of Commerce,” said Kevin Gestin, co-founder of easyBNB. “We are trying to build a thriving startup company, and the Czech Republic – and Prague in particular – offers us many possibilities. We appreciate the opportunity to do business here.”

Kevin Gestin founded easyBNB with Faical Orakzai in 2016. The company grew by 300% within three years and now has 25 employees. As of today, easyBNB manages 86 flats. The owners build on their professional approach and a solid partnership with authorities which ensures all rules and norms set for short-term rentals of properties are followed. In 2019, the project obtained an investment for its expansion into foreign markets from RSBC Group.

You can find further information about the company at Further information about the French – Czech Chamber of Commerce prize gala can be found at

Media contact:
Magdalena Tarantová, Head of Marketing & PR
E-mail:, Tel: 00420/777065199
