Online reservation system Hostaway operated by the company EasyBnB s.r.o., IČO: 05141915, address U Michelského mlýna 1569/1, Michle, 140 00 Prague 4 (“Administrator”) processes personal details in compliance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Counsel (EU) 2016/679 of 27th April 2016, the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and other legislation. Your personal details will be transferred to third parties or otherwise processed only in case of necessity, in compliance with a contract or if you have agreed to it. Within the processing of your reservation, the accommodation provider („Accommodation“) of your choice will receive required details for completion of your reservation.

The gathered personal details can be used by the providers of services only for completing work regarding the completion of your reservation.
In order to comply with legal obligations, the Accommodation has to have a house book and archive the personal details of guests for 6 years since the latest record in compliance with Act no 326/1999 Sb., on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic, as amended.

Pursuant to Act no. 565/1990 Sb., on Local Fees, as amended and Act no. 253/2008 on selected measures against legitimization of proceeds of crime and financing of terrorism and pursuant to the needs of creating reservations, compliance with a contract on accommodation and for the purposes of accountancy, the following personal details are processed: name and surname, permanent address abroad, phone number, credit card number, date of birth, passport number, visa number, nationality, length and purpose of the trip, address in the Czech Republic and a signature. This information is collected based upon received reservation and is filled out in a registration paper in the relevant Accommodation.

Personal details are processed by the Administrator manually and automatically directly through his/her employees and/or through processors authorized by the Administrator based on a contract of processing personal details.

The Administrator processes personal details for the time necessary to intermediate the accommodation and the payment, as well as for the time necessary for the compliance with legal obligations stated hereinabove. Each guest has the right to access his/her personal details intermediated by the Administrator, their correction or deletion, limitation of the processing and the right to file an objection against the processing. Furthermore, each guest also has the right to get from the Administrator access his/her personal details that are connected with the guest and any details the guest provided to the Administrator and/or the Accommodation.
The Administrator, shall based on the request of the guest provide him/her or other named administrator with his/her personal details without undue delay in a structured, regularly used and machine-readable way. This right does not apply to personal details which are not automatically processed.

The Administrator has no intention of providing the personal details to any third country. If the guest has a suspicion that his personal details are being misused, he/she can file a complaint to the supervisory authority, which for the region of Czech Republic is the Office for Personal Data Protection personal details ( The communication shall be exclusively in Czech or English.

Contact details of the Administrator: EasyBnB s.r.o., IČO: 05141915, address U Michelského mlýna 1569/1, Michle, 140 00 Prague 4, e-mail: All information is required in accordance with Act. no 565/1990 and shall be used in compliance with the GDPR.